User: Aaron
Class: The Sushi King
Level: 52
Next Level: 2 days, 16:05:26
Status: Online
Host: Aaron!~Aaron@Flying.High.Through.The.Sky
Account Created: Mon 15th Jul 2024 a 22:45:48
Last Login: Fri 30th Aug 2024 a 21:15:54
Total Time Idled: 53 days, 17:21:25
Current Position: 449, 278
Alignment: Good
Amulet 35
Boots 43
Charm 42
Gloves 36
Helm 52
Leggings 39
Ring 58 (Juliet's Glourious Ring of Sparkliness)
Shield 49
Tunic 94 (Res0's Protectorate Plate Mail)
Weapon 37
Kick None
Logout None
Mesg None
Nick None
Part None
Quest 0 days, 10:47:37
Quit None
Total 0 days, 10:47:37

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